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All employers within Brunei are mandated to employ a significant percentage of local civilians and Brunei Garrison is no exception. Available job vacancies are normally taken by locally employed staff.
Volunteering (opportunities available to BFB entitled personnel only)
Within BFB community, there are a number of voluntary opportunities (available to BFB entitled personnel only) which could enhance your CV such as;
SSAFA In-Service Committee (available to BFB entitled personnel only)
The SSAFA In-Service Committee Brunei provides funding and support to all serving Garrison members, their dependants, other associated Garrison organisations and Garrison-related community projects.
It is made up of volunteers from across the Garrison community and meets once a month to vote on funding applications and to generate new fundraising ideas. Key roles are: chairperson, secretary, treasurer, publicity officer and merchandising officer.
We also host events, such as the SSAFA Big Brew and Camo Day, as well as supporting other activities throughout the Garrison. The Loan Service at Berakas has a SSAFA representative and it contributes towards SSAFA Brunei funds.
If you haven’t time to sign up to the committee, but are willing to help out at events, we also have the Friends of SSAFA Brunei group.
As SSAFA is a recognised UK-registered military charity, volunteering can enhance your CV.
For more information, contact the SSAFA In-Service Committee secretary: brunei.ISC@ssafa.org.uk or visit our Facebook page.
Army Welfare Community Support (AWS) (available to BFB entitled personnel only)
AWS needs volunteers to assist with Parents & Toddlers groups and Youth Clubs. Training will be provided and certified courses are run through the year; including First Aid and Sports Leaders UK Awards. All volunteers must have completed a DBS vetting before they can begin.
If you are interested in assisting us with these activities, please contact AWS officer located in the Chit Chat Community Centre
The Garrison Thrift Shop(available to BFB entitled personnel only)
The Garrison Thrift Shop is run by volunteers. We are open Monday to Friday and the first Saturday of every month. It is a wonderful way to meet new people in our community both from BFB and outside while providing a much needed service and earning funds that are donated to many worthy causes here and overseas. If you would be interested in offering your services to help do a shift (3 hours a week is all we ask), please contact Annie on 837 9276.
The BFB Toy Library (available to BFB entitled personnel only)
The BFB Toy Library is actively looking for volunteers who can spare a few hours to help out. Please contact the team via email: bfbtoylibrary@gmail.com to further discuss the opportunity.
External Vacancy

Should you have any questions regarding employment opportunities, please contact the LPPO Office.
Address: Tuker Lines, Seria
Email: BruneiGar-CivSec-LPPO-Group@mod.gov.uk
Phone:3224101 Ext. 3758