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Primary Health Care Facilities
The PCMF provides comprehensive primary health care services to all personnel. This includes dependants of serving personnel and those supporting British Forces Brunei (BFB). The PCMF also offers Midwifery and Health Visiting services.

Opening Hours
Sick parade for SPs Monday to Friday 0730
Doctors Clinic Monday to Friday 0830 - 1230 & 1330 - 1600
SPN Clinic Tuesday 0830 - 1600
Nurse Clinic Monday - Friday0800 - 1600
Drop-in Baby Clinic Tuesday 0900 - 1100
Physiotherapy Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 0800 - 1700 | Wednesday 0800 - 1230 | Friday 0800 - 1330
Dispensary Monday - Friday 0800 - 1000 | 1045 - 1230 | 1400 - 1650
*PCMF is closed Wednesday afternoon for staff training
Direct line: 3224893 or through operation : 3224101 Ext 3222 or 3226
Out of Hour Contact - A Duty Nurse is available to provide urgent medical advice that cannot wait until the following day.Duty nurse can be reached on 8330246. You will be asked for the following details to assist in triaging your medical need:
Patients name
Who is making the call
Telephone number to be reached on
Date of birth and age
Reason for calling
This will follow with other relevant questions to assist in obtaining the information to allow appropriate advice to be given, to inform the duty doctor or recommendation to go to the hospital. For any life threatening emergencies 991 (ambulance) should be your first option.
The closest hospital is Suri Seri Begawan Hospital (SSB) in Kuala Belait. In the event of a medical emergency patients are to call an ambulance on 991 or use your own transport.A Hospital Liaison Officer is available to assist with any administrative problems on 8330255. All patients are to report to the PCMF within 48 hours of hospital attendance or discharge from hospital.
LAND standing orders states that all military and civilian personnel, including their families, must have a dental check-up and any treatment completed before arriving in Brunei. Routine dental treatment is free to all entitled personnel and their dependents.
Dental appointments can be booked by telephoning 3224101 Ext 3393. Dental implant treatment is not provided and other specialist treatments are difficult to access.
Orthodontic Treatment Orthodontic treatment for children is free in Brunei. Any family with a child undergoing active orthodontic treatment should bring a complete copy of the current treatment records including any radiographs (x-rays) and contact the Dental Centre on arrival in Brunei. Private orthodontic treatment is also available local orthodontists
Emergency Dental Treatment If you require an emergency appointment for the relief of dental pain, the dental centre can be contacted and arrangements will be made for you to be seen by a dentist the same day, during working hours. If you require to be seen in an emergency outside normal working hours, a duty doctor is available to make necessary arrangements for you to be seen in Kuala Belait Hospital.
Patients can arrange physiotherapy appointments following a referral from the doctor or nurse practitioner.
Maternity care in Brunei tries to mirror as much as possible that provided in the UK. The majority of your care will be provided in the community by experienced UK registered midwives and your GP. Secondary care is principally provided through RIPAS Hospital in Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB).
There are two Midwives who offer the following clinics by appointment:
Ante natal
Post natal
Home visits
Parentcraft skills and preconception advice.
When planning a pregnancy and your pregnancy is confirmed, you may choose to directly contact the Community Midwife. You may also choose to see the GP, or the Practice Nurse may confirm your pregnancy; they will then refer you to the midwife. During normal working hours, you can contact the midwife by telephoning the PCMF and asking for the midwife to return your call. PCMF contact numbers are 322 4893 or 3224101 Ext. 3222 or 3226.
For further details about medical provision during pregnancy and childbirth please discuss with midwives on arrival.
CLICK HERE to read more about maternity care in Brunei.
Health Visitors
The Health Visiting Department offers;
Drop-in baby clinics every Tuesday 0900 hrs – 1100 hrs.
Monthly Sunbird Baby Club for 0-2 yrs on first Thursday of the month at 1400 at the Chit Chat Community Centre
Monthly Well Child Baby Clinic for 0-2 yrs on the first Tuesday of the month at 0900 at the AWS activity room located within the Mumong Community Centre.