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Moving with your pet to Brunei can be a lengthy process. Start the relation procedure early will allow yourself to plan and adjust to unforeseen circumstance. It is not difficult importing pets to Brunei, however it can be quite costly. Families need to carefully arrange everything to ensure there are no issues encountered.
You must obtain written permission from the SSO department in advance of making any bookings for shipping arrangements. The same restrictions apply in Brunei for keeping a pet in a SFA as they do in UK.
Pet in SFA
A. Tri-Service Accommodation Regulation-JSP 464
B. License to Occupy SFA
C. ACSO 7104 – Army Command Standing Order
1. Prior to bringing your Pet to Brunei, you must first notify the housing office and get the SSO authority to keep your pet in the SFA. The majority of the accommodation in Brunei is flats and hirings which means that authority to bring pets is restricted. Permission to bring a pet will only be authorised on the understanding that the pet will be required to leave Brunei at the same time as the service person at the end of their tour. They may not passed on to others.
2. Pet registration can be made from SSO office at Chit Chat Community Centre, Tuker Lines. Our respective Estate Warden will brief you further how to register your pet and explain all the procedures during the March-in briefing.
3. During March out, the house must be fumigated and the carpets cleaned. Proof of the fumigation and cleaning must be provided to the Estate Warden.
4. Dog owners are required to have a dog licence in Brunei to protect the pet and the owners. The licence costs approximately BND$8 (inclusive of serial number tag provided by the government) and must to be renewed annually before the first day of February each year or so soon after as it attains the age of 3 months.
5. Chapter 60 at Section 4 of Dogs Act states that owners found guilty of failing to register their dogs will receive a BND250 fine or 14 days in prison for a first offence, and a BND500 fine or one month in prison for a second offend.
6. Cats are not required to be registered at the government office. However, BFB personnel are still required to register their cat(s) with the SSO Department and the cat(s) must wear a collar ID tag to clearly identify the name and contact number of the owner. This is to ensure that the cat(s) are not mistakenly captured-re-homed. Tags can be locally purchased (various sources) or order online.
7. All animal in the estate, if found without a collar will be removed. You are required to have a collar fastened on your pets at all times with Garrison Serial Registered No. and Gov Serial Registered No. for dog (03 months above) on a metal identity disc stamped on it.
8. Failure to comply with orders will result in the authorisation to keep a cat in a SFA being withdrawn immediately and you will be responsible for its immediate disposal.
Bringing Pet to Brunei
An Import Permit must be obtained from the Department of Agriculture in advance of importing your pet to Brunei. Click here for the guideline on importation of live animals and to obtain the application form.
Brunei Pet Registration
Dog Owners are required to have a dog license in Brunei to protect the pet and its owners. This is
obtained from the Agricultural Department in Kuala Belait. The license only costs a small fee. This is inclusive of serial number tag provided by the government) and must to be renewed annually.
Laws of Brunei, Chapter 6 Dogs, 3 of 1939 (Cap. 60 of 1951). Penalty of Not Registering. Retrieved from http://www.agc.gov.bn/AGC%20Images/LOB/pdf/Chp.60.pdf. Every dog shall be registered before the first day of the month of February in each year, or so soon after as it attains the age of 3 months. The owner of any dog who fails to register such dog in the manner prescribed shall be guilty of an offence: Penalty, a fine of $250 or in default imprisonment for 14 days, and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction a fine of $500 or in default imprisonment for one month.
Cats are not required to be registered at the Government office. BFB Personnel are still required to
register their cat(s) with the SSO Department and the cat(s) must wear a collar with ID tag(s) to clearly
identify the name and contact number of the owner.
DZ Vetarinary Clinic, Kuala Belait
Address: Lot 5079, Jalan Setia Pahlawan, Kuala Belait
Contact: 3333868 or 8673134
Healthy Paws Animal Clinic , Kuala Belait
Address: Lot 4335, Jalan Jaya Negara, Kuala Belait
Contact: 3335077 or 8234006
Petlink Veterinary Care , Bandar Seri Begawan
Address: No. 6, Ground Floor, Bangunan Hj. Awg. Metussin H. A., BE1518 Bandar Seri Begawan
Contact: 2231772
Pet Planet Vetarinary Care, Bandar Seri Begawan
Address: 12 - 15 Ground Floor, Jaya Setia Sq, Bandar Seri Begawan
Contact: 2339688
Asyan Angel Animal Shop (Vet)
Address: GF, D1, Aman Complex, Sungai Tilong, Jalan Aman, Muara
Contact: 2337128
Pet shops
Pet food and supplies are readily accessible across Brunei however there are only a small range of products available.
Pet supplies around Seria and Kuala Belait areas:
Supa Save
Soon Lee
Hero Pet Shop W8, Jalan Mualana
Local grocery shops in both Seria and Kuala Belait town centres
Taking Pets to the UK
All pets travelling back to the UK are required to have rabies vaccinations, blood test and tapeworm treatment. Some of these tests are done around 6 months prior to the travel date. You also need a health certificate from your vet and an export permit from the Department of Agriculture in Brunei.
Morley Movers, based in Bandar Seri Begawan is currently the only mover that offers pet courier service. They will be able to walk you through the process from the Brunei side.
Morley & Co Movers
No 74 , Simpand 705, Kampong Sungai Bulah II, Jalan Muara, BU1329
Tell: 2790705 / 2790569
Email: morleypetmovers@outlook.com
Department of Agriculture ( Application / Enquiries)
Email: biosecurity.division@mprt.gov.bn
For the UK side, you must appoint a UK agent to handle the custom clearance process. Pet Air Uk is a reputable one and JCS Livestock does 10% Military discount.
Pet Air Uk : https://www.petairuk.com/
JCS Livestocks : https://www.jamescargo.com/livestock/