Bank Holiday Opening Hours (Friday 31 July)
PCMF Vaccinations
HEADSPACE - Free Subscription for Army Personnel

Bank Holiday Opening Hours (Friday 31 July)
SSO Office - Shut
2 RGR Welfare Unit - Shut
Post Office - Shut
LPPO - Shut
Garrison Library - Shut
DIO - Shut For emergency, contact Duty Officer 8330220
PCMF - Stand down opening hours 0730-1230 hrs For emergency, contact Duty Nurse 8330246
Garrison Thrift Shop - 0900-1200 hrs
In case of emergency, contact Garrison Duty Officer - 8330246
PCMF Vaccinations
The PCMF has received a limited amount of HPV (Gardasil), Japanese encephalitis, diptheria/tetanus/Polio (Revaxis), Hepatitis A and B vaccines. If you're due for any of these, you can now book an appointment via reception on ext 3226 or 3224893.
HEADSPACE - Free Subscription for Army Personnel

Army Health & Wellbeing are offering a limited number of FREE Headspace subscriptions to Army personnel as part of an evaluation to understand how Apps can support Health and Wellbeing. Headspace is a meditation-based mindfulness App designed to help with wellbeing and to improve sleep.
To request a license please complete the Expression of Interest Survey. Throughout the year you will be asked to complete surveys to provide feedback to help inform future roll-out. For more information please email Nicola.sides100@mod.gov.uk
BFB Bulletin is a summary of key information and activities around BFB community.
If you wish to receive a copy of BFB Bulletin via email, please contact bfb.comms.coord@gmail.com
Check out other useful information...
DIO (B) Information and planned maintenance : https://www.britishforcesbrunei.co.uk/dio
What's on/opening hours : https://www.britishforcesbrunei.co.uk/what-s-on
Medical and Dental : https://www.britishforcesbrunei.co.uk/medical-dental
Community updates : www.bruneihive.blogspot.com
